Friday, April 16, 2010

Women of Joy: Sarah Palin speech

The crowd was uplifting, and cheering. They were ready for Sarah as the announcer came on stage. The second Sarah's name was said the crowd would break in cheers for Sarah, the nearly full, and when I mean full, I mean every seat in sight. Freedom hall seats around 16,664 to 18,865. I would estimate around 17,000 mostly women and few men were there. When Sarah came on stage, she beamed with joy. Sarah tried to stay away from politics in this speech. She made few politcial mentions. She talked about the tea party for a split second, and almost instantly the crowd broke out in cheers in support of the tea party. She talked mostly about her crazy 2008 year. Saying that God was truly close to her that year. She talked about her son's Track, and Trig and they helped her even more than she could imagine. She talked of Tracks tattoo, that he got on his leg, that she couldn't argue with because it was a Jesus fish. She talked about how she asked for God to help her change her heart, fill her heart with love for this little child that she would be having. She choked up a bit talking about how Trig has changed her life, and how he continues to change her thoughts on everything. She joked about what she had written on hand, that maybe she should have written her kids names instead. The crowd broke out in applause again when she mentioned the "old man's version of a teleprompter." She talked about how she was trying to teach Piper a lesson from the bible, which she "Piper" compared to American Idol. She talked of the campaign when she couldn't find anyone to pray with her but her daughter Piper. She asked Piper to pray for her to win the debate against Biden, she asked her to pray for God's words to speak through her. And Piper's reaction was, "Isn't that cheating." Laughter came from the already pumped crowd. She talked about Bristol, and her choice to choose abstinence now. She talked of Bristol's new PSA "Play before you pause." She talked about again that 2008 was crazy year, and how she turned to God when Bristol said that she was going to be a mom. Sarah talked of the media, and how she's fine if they attack, but if they attack her kids that's a different story. She was glad that the event was closed to the press, so that her words wouldn't get turned around, to sound like she said something negative. When Sarah ended her speech, Todd came on stage to support to Sarah, and they left very quickly. Sarah had asked the Women of Joy people just to do a small favor for them. She asked if they would pray for her and her family. That's exactly what nearly 17,000 people did. We prayed for Sarah and her family to always be safe and away from harm, that her family would no longer be under the brutal attacks, and that they continue to be shown God's Grace.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Ok here's something that I thought would be fun to do at Sarah Palin's book signings. Sing a Sarah Palin version of Santa Clause is comin' to town. I can't take credit for this entire variation, I got the idea from an interview I saw that has since been removed, or I just can't find it anymore because I didn't save the link. I entire idea of Sarah Palin is comin' to town isn't mine along with the second verse, for those who don't understand music lingo, the second paragraph. All the rest is mine.

You liberals better watch out,
You better not cry,
Better not pout,
I'm telling you why;
Sarah Palin is comin' to town
She's written a book,
And signing it twice;
Gonna find out,
Who's naughty or nice.
Sarah Palin is comin' to town.
She hears you when you speaking.
She knows when you're up to date.
She knows if you've been bad or good,
So be good for goodness sake.
Oh, you liberals better watch out!
You better not cry.
Better not pout,
I'm telling you why;
Sarah Palin is comin' to town
Sarah Palin is comin' to town
Sarah Palin is comin' to town.